Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lori's Random Thoughts Of Fun And Foolishness

Random thoughts of fun and foolishness for today are that I will never be searching for a job in the technical support field. Why you may ask... Because it took myself, my friend, and my husband to actually get this blog site set up. Seriously? Seriously!! I thought cookies were to be eaten not enabled. I thought default is what I'm in on my loans. Lol. I'm still not sure what the heck a URL is, and furthermore, definitely do not want to know. I was positive a bookmark is what I do when I turn down the corner of a page. My bad. What is a HTML? Do I want to know??
The good news is that I can now stop pretending to be a redhead and let my true blonde spirit run free!
I hope you will all be patient with me as I struggle my way through this wonderful world of technology, and please feel free as always to laugh at me. You don't even need to do it behind my back. Do it with me because most assuradly I am over here laughing at myself. :)


  1. Nice to know it took a whole team to set this up crazy lady.

  2. My goodness you do get around on the web. I had to see, as I always do, what kind of jocularity i'll find here.Your opening statement is funny all by itself, seeing as I do Html, send it to URL's, and make it a default page.

  3. Welcome to the blogosphere!

    URL - Uniform Resource Locator (a web address e.g.

    HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language (the code that web pages are made of)

  4. Lori..Welcome to the life of Bloggin..You go Girl!!
    Lorie Richardson-Fife

  5. Boss1259, who are you??
    Michael, thank you!! I am nominating you as my official technical support guru. :)
    Lorie, how do I get to your blogs?

  6. URL Uniform Resource Locator (world wide web address)
    URL Universal Resource Locator
    URL Internet Shortcut (file name extension)
    URL Universidad Rafael Landivar (Rafael Landivar University, Guatemala)
    URL Universitat Ramon Llull (Ramon Llull University, Spain)
    URL Unrestricted Line (US Navy officer designation)
    URL Upper Range Limit
    URL Upper Reference Limit
    URL Unreal Life
    URL Universal Republic of Love
    URL USAMMA's (United States Army Medical Materiel Agency's) Revolution in Logistics
    URL User Requirements Language
    URL User Resource Link
    URL Universal Ride Layout
    URL Ubiquity Now, Revenues Later
    URL Underground Race League (video game)
    URL Unfinanced Requirements List
    URL Unità di Ricerca Locali (Italian)

    Ok so these are the most common acronyms for url lol

    Lori you definitely are crazy lol

  7. A~ha I told you I would find you!

  8. I have to say it looks impressive. I can only think what it was like with you and your husband and friends getting this up and running. lol

  9. David, ya and my friend Christina was on the phone with me. She said it's ok she loves me anyway. Haha!!! I think she mentioned the word special too, not sure what she meant by that. :)

  10. Welcome to the web. Now it's time to be clever.
